Carlton House, Lower Regent Street
London SW1Y 4LS Tel. 01-930-0221
Remembering Rediffusion Limited 1928 - 1988
This website is tribute to Rediffusion and the many thousands of staff worldwide who worked for the organisation. It includes historical information and images of all aspects of the Group's businesses.
Updated: April 2022

Broadcast Relay Service Ltd. was incorporated in 1928 and started to relay radio programmes to subscribers in Clacton, Essex. The following year, 200 subscribers in Braintree,
and Hull were paying 3 shillings a week for the service which required just a loudspeaker to be installed in the home to receive the programme.
In 1931 Broadcast Relay formed a new company, Rediffusion Limited The name was based on re-diffusing or re-broadcasting audio signals via a wired network. Later developments included the relay of television programmes through their existing networks.
Rediffusion manufactured its
first television set
in 1947 specifically for use on their networks.
In 1954 the British Government gave the go-ahead for Commercial Television to commence and Rediffusion formed a new company in collaboration with which went on the air in 1955 from the ITV transmitters at Croydon in south London. The new broadcast company was called Associated-Rediffusion. The station became the mainstay of commercial television broadcasting for the London and south east area through to 1968 and is fondly remembered for the Rediffusion Star which became the symbol for the whole group in 1967.
Rediffusion set up their wired networks in many UK and Overseas towns and cities from the early 1930's through to the 1980's providing interference-free Radio and Television reception.
Subscribers selected their Radio or TV channel using a
Selector Switch
located adjacent to their Television Set or Radio Speaker.
Subscriber service was key to the success of the company and the
white and yellow vans
were a common sight in most cities around the UK and overseas.
Rediffusion became multi-national conglomerate with over 170 branches in the UK and divisions worldwide. Over the years the business had expanded into a wide range of electronic and manufacturing companies including, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Computer Systems, Flight Simulation, Music and Recording, Business Electronics and Television Manufacturing and by 1976 the Groups Assets were £ 130,000,000 with 13,100 UK employees and 2800 overseas employees.
By the mid 1980's BET plc, who now had outright ownership decided divest it's electronics interests and the Rediffusion Group was subsequently broken up and sold off. The TV rental business was acquired by
with much of the property and networks going to
Maxwell Communications
All other group companies and overseas interests were disposed of by the early 1990's.
Today, little evidence remains of Rediffusion and it's Cable Distribution and Television Rental business. Other divisional companies both in the UK and Overseas have been absorbed elsewhere .
There is no doubt of the contribution the Rediffusion Group made to the broadcasting, electronics and music industry worldwide over it's 60 years existence. The name will be remembered fondly by many.

If you worked for Rediffusion at any time you can add your details to the Employees List by clicking the link above.
Associated Companies in over 175 towns in Great Britain and in Barbados, Bermuda. Canada, Ceylon, Guyana,
Hong Kong, Jamaica, Malaya, Malta, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and West Africa etc.
© 2007 - 2022
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I'm wondering if you may be able to help me with a ‘historic’ enquiry.
Id love to make contact with one of the engineers involved in the Concept 90 simulation system.
We have purchased a collection of components and would love some original specs to assist with the restoration of the stewart platform.
The Association of Reunited Thames Staff is open to anyone who worked in any capacity for Thames or its parent companies, and is now also welcoming freelancers and contractors. If you think you may qualify, please do get in touch with their Membership Secretary:
or visit their website:
Rediffusion Austin Minivan
What a Beaut ! Rediffusion Minivan in Red / Grey Livery?
Robin Callwood sent in this really nice picture he took of his minivan somewhere in Stoke.
Afficionados will note this is badged Austin so it would have been 1960 and Robin suggests it was around the time of the Wedding of Princess Margaret
Contact: Dickon Mitchell